Contact Us

Council Flournoy Service Center

700 Everhart Rd Bldg A, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 361-814-4300
Toll Free: 800-299-2267- x114
Fax: +1 361-814-5798

Holloway Scout Shop

700 Everhart Rd Bldg A, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 361-814-4300
Toll Free: +1 800-299-2267- x114

Camp Huisache Service Center

State Representative Henry Cuellar Roadway, Laredo, Tx 78041
Camp Office: 956-286-6173
Program Services: 361-814-4300 Ex. 112
Program Fax: -361-814-5798

Camp Karankawa Service Center

23564 Park Road 25, Mathis, Tx 78368
Camp Office: 361-547-2624
Program Services: 361-814-4300 Ex. 112
Program Fax:  361-814-5798

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