
Wednesday, July 22 – Friday, July 31, 2026

Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve (The Summit)

Glen Jean, West Virginia​

Scouting’s flagship event is one-of-a-kind. Over 10 summer days, once every four years, Scouting America gathers approximately 20,000 Scouts, leaders, and staff, showcasing everything great about Scouting America and its members. The result is the national Scout jamboree. To keep up with the latest information, visit the website. Scouts and Scouters will explore all kinds of adventures—stadium shows, pioneer villages, Garden Ground hikes, adventure sports, patch trading, and more—in the heart of one of nature’s greatest playgrounds. With 10,000 acres at the Summit to explore, there’s no shortage of opportunities to build Scouting memories.

To attend the National Jamboree, a Scout must be a currently registered member of Scouting America in a Scouts BSA troop, Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Ship. If attending as a member of Scouts BSA, a Scout must be at least 12 years of age and no older than 17 years of age. 

Contingent Composition: If you’re interested in attending the Jamboree and want to be part of the contingent, please contact Francisco.orozco@scouting.org .  Our council contingent will consist of a Boy Troop and Girl Troop. 


More information will be out soon!