Cub Scout Camping

Cub Scout Camping Links
November Family Campout Parent’s Guide
Pack Overnight Campout Appraisal Form.
Age Appropriate Guidelines for Camping
Camp Karankawa Map and Directions
Camp Huisache Map


Camp Karankawa Address:

23564 PARK ROAD 25
MATHIS, TX 78368


Camp Huisache Address:

Hwy 59 & Henry Cuellar Roadway
Laredo, TX 78041


Join us for Some Cub Scout Family Fun!

November 22-24 – Cub Scout Family Campout at Karankawa
Join us for an amazing Cub Scout Family Campout at Karankawa! Bring the whole family and snag some shiny new belt loops on this weekend of fun and adventure. Families can bring their own tent, but there are also a limited number of tents available to rent. Rental tents can comfortably hold 3 people, and will be set up and taken down by event staff! 
Click Here to Register. 
November Family Campout Parent’s Guide